
Meeting via* the Web

W: Hi, Pete. Guess what! I met someone online. His name is Steve, and we chat1 with each other almost every night! He is such a sweet person. We really have a lot in common2.

M: But you haven’t met him face-to-face* yet, right?

W: No, not yet.

M: Why not? Don’t you want to?

W: I don’t know. I’m not sure if we will get along3 when we meet in person*. I’m happy with our relationship4 now. Why change it?

M: I just want to know when you are making a move5 from messaging6 someone to actually meeting them.

Words to learn

  1. chat [ t]1t ] v. 聊天
    We would like to go to a cafe and chat.
  2. have sth. in common 有共通點
    We have one thing in common: we both love basketball.
  3. get along 和睦共處
    They don't get along because they never agree on anything.
  4. relationship [ r6'le]4n']6p ] n. 關係
    Grace and I have a friendly relationship.
  5. move [ muv ] v./n. 行動
    You need to move; you can't just sit still all day.
  6. message [ 'm5s6d. ] v./n. 發訊息;訊息
    LINE is a great way to send instant messages.

Words to Know

Listening Tips

  • A listening question may ask you to identify the reason for a speaker’s action. These kinds of questions usually begin with why. An answer might use the words because, for, or due to. While you listen to the conversation, pay attention to information which provides a reason.