Getting Started

A What do you think makes a happy and healthy relationship? Check and compare your answers in groups.

B Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answers.

conversation 1 

M: Hi, Vanessa. Have you ever tried online dating?

W: I’d love to try it in the future.

Q: What is true about Vanessa?

  1. She is not interested in online dating.
  2. She doesn’t know what online dating is.
  3. She will try online dating in the future.
  4. She has tried online dating several times.

conversation 2 

M: Angela, you look upset. What’s wrong?

W: My boyfriend wants to take a break from our relationship.

Q: What kind of problem does Angela have?

  1. A work problem.
  2. A health problem.
  3. A school problem.
  4. A relationship problem.