
First Date Dos and Don’ts

It’s natural1 to feel nervous when you go out on a first date. Are you not sure about how to act? Try the following tips!

It’s important to dress nicely and look good, but remember, don’t overdo2 it. Be polite3 —don’t swear4 if you want to have a second date. Focus on your date— don’t look at other guys or girls. Be a good listener. Don’t talk about yourself all the time5. Ask, “How about you?” in the conversation. Finally, don’t be late. Show up6 on time or a few minutes early. Relax7 and smile. Good luck on your first date!

Words to learn

  1. natural [ 'n1t]4r4l ] adj. 自然的
    Costa Rica is a country famous for its natural beauty.
  2. overdo [ +ov0'du ] v. 把…做得過頭的
    Exercise enough to stay healthy, but don't overdo it.
  3. polite [ p4'la6t ] adj. 有禮貌的
    Talking when other people are talking is not polite.
  4. swear [ sw5r ] v. 咒罵;罵髒話
    If you swear in class, you'll get in trouble.
  5. all the time 總是
    He is not doing well in school because he is late to class all the time.
  6. show up 出現
    He did not show up to work yesterday.
  7. relax [ r6'l1ks ] v. 放鬆
    I was relaxing in a warm bath after a hard day’s work.


  1. How was your first date? Was it successful? If not, what happened?
  2. Are there any other first date tips you want to share with your friends?