
When you come home from work or school and realize that you have lost your phone, it feels like the end of the world*.

I used to feel like I needed my phone because I talked to my friends all the time online. However, I wasted so much time on the Internet that I stopped connecting with people in real life. I realized it was time for a break from social media.

During my time away from social media, I focused on spending more time with family and friends. At first, I noticed that I didn’t have much to say; there were no clever gifs* or memes* I could use to express my thoughts. Eventually, I found my voice again and started having conversations I could never have had online.

* end of the world 世界末日* gif 社群動態圖片* meme 網路模因(在社群網路爆紅的圖片、影片等)

Read the post information above and choose the best answer to each question.

1. What is NOT TRUE about the author?

  1. He spent a lot of time on social media.
  2. He still prefers to talk to his friends online.
  3. He has more to say about his experience.
  4. He found talking to friends and family offline difficult at first.

2. How did the author most likely interact with people before taking a break from social media?

  1. Through email.
  2. In person.
  3. Through text message.
  4. Using gifs or memes.